Pennington Sunflower Chips Wild Bird Feed, 5.5 lbs
$13.06 ( In Stock ) ( left ) ( out of stock )
Give your feathered garden friends tasty treats when they come visit with this pack of Pennington Sunflower Chips Wild Bird Feed. This product is specially formulated for feeding all year round and is meant to be placed into feeders, trays or on the ground, if you wish. This bag of Pennington Select sunflower chips is enriched with Bird-Kote and is fruit flavored. It is meant to attract a wide variety of songbirds, so you know you?ll always have a party in your yard when you take chips out. This product does not contain any hulls, so it won't leave a mess. With this 5.5-lb bag of Pennington wild bird feed, you can expect the likes of woodpeckers and pine siskins to come visit.
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